About Us
Academically, South Side continues to fully implement a comprehensive math curriculum with the addition of a new ELA curriculum this year. We are proud to say that both curriculums are being implemented with fidelity and we are seeing significant student growth in both areas. Along with the comprehensive curriculum, we pride ourselves on offering a differentiated approach to teaching along with comprehensive intervention services in both reading and math.
Social emotional learning continues to be a significant focus for everyone at South Side. We continue to utilize the Bucket Filler school-wide recognition program for acts of kindness. Students are recognized weekly for being a Bucket Filler in someone's life. This year, there continues to be a focus on supporting staff with trauma informed practices as it relates to the educational environment with a new focus on staff wellness and self-care.
Additionally, we have added a social emotional classroom that provides daily intervention on self-regulation and coping skills. This has allowed our students with the highest social emotional needs to receive consistent explicit instruction to recognize how their body is feeling (in a calm state, in a heightened state, and a dysregulated state) and how to become regulated to return to the classroom and work as a student.
Throughout this school year, our English Language Learning population has nearly tripled from last year. This has provided new challenges and learning experiences for students and staff alike. We continue to explore ways to support our ELL students and families while also learning from their cultures and experiences. We are very thankful to have an ELL teacher and paraprofessional who supports our school in helping these students and families.
Also new to South Side, is a bi-weekly technology class with a focus on computer science! This has given students a new opportunity to gain computer skills that were not previously taught until 3rd grade. Students and staff have loved these lessons and it has been fun watching students gain more confidence in the technology realm.
South Side is fortunate to have an active PTO that supports staff and students throughout the year. The PTO meets monthly and has provided opportunities like the Jingle Bus, Christmas gifts, Book Fair and Family Reading Night, and plans to have an end-of-the-year field day. All of this is accomplished through one large fundraiser at the beginning of the school year.
Finally, EVERYONE at South Side works hard at meeting the needs of the whole child; this includes paraprofessionals, kitchen staff, custodial staff, secretaries, volunteers, and teachers. We are thrilled to say we have excellent educational staff that go above and beyond to meet the needs of each student. Overall, staff members are certified for their particular teaching assignments. Those who are not certified are currently working towards that particular certification. Furthermore, the staff is highly collaborative and very close knit functioning like a true family!
Bucket Filling – focuses on behaviors which encourage respect, responsibility, kindness, and honesty toward all people
Weekly Art, Music, PE and Library rotations
Bi-weekly Technology -- Students are being exposed to a variety of basic concepts including how to log into a device, how to be safe when using the internet, protecting their personal information, and much more.
Whole Group Guidance Lessons -- Students are being taught that all emotions are good. The important thing is to recognize those feelings/emotions and then are taught some appropriate coping strategies (ex: deep breathes, count to 10, etc)
1st Grade Christmas music program -- features singing, instruments, and dance
2nd Grade Spring music program -- features singing, instruments, and dance; some of the rhythms used are written by students based on what they have learned in music class
Family Fun Nights -- These provide families with the opportunity to interact with their child, understand what and how their child is learning, and to foster that school/home partnership.
Book Fairs -- Provides families with the opportunity to purchase quality literature for their home. The book fair also includes a variety of activities for families to participate in.
Parent Volunteers -- We welcome parents and grandparents to partner with teachers to provide a variety of support. Our volunteers help in classrooms, listen to students read, practice spelling words, or practice math facts. They also help teachers with material preparations (ex: running copies, cutting, etc).
ELL Services -- With our growing ELL population we are fortunate to have a teacher and a paraprofessional that come to the building throughout the day that are devoted to supporting our EL learners.Visitors are required by state law to report to the office whenever they enter a school building. Please make sure you stop at the office to sign in and sign out when entering and leaving the building and wear a visitor badge for the safety of the students. Thank you!